CEA-Prepare work plans for tree removal [持續進修樹藝學時數課程申請] [接受及報名已結束]

樹木拓展學會(Pro Tree)認可課程:
課程編號  課程名稱
1 A,TRA&TWS-FA4-202318-1 Rigging system installation and selection (Webinar)
2 CO-FA4-202319-1 高空工作與溜纜應用
3 A&TRA-FA4-202320-1 Prepare work plans for tree removal
4 TC&CO-FA2-202321-1 使用樹藝工具之職業安全與健康
5 A,TRA&TC-FA6-202322-1 Contribution and Method of Aerial Tree Inspection
6 A&TRA-FA4-202323-1 樹木的結構性修剪

能力單元 Units of Competency (UoC)
植物種植、護理及管理  Planting, caring and management of plants 

職能範疇下之 Prepare work plans for tree removal (109089L4)

收費 Course Fee

HK$480 for non-member
HK$380 for Pro Tree Normal / Pro Member

  1. 課程只准學員本人上課,不能由他人代替上課。
  2. 學員不得擅自轉換組別上課,否則本處有權終止其上課權利,而學費亦不予退還。
  3. 學員須準時上課,凡遲到或/及早退逾該節上課時數四份之一者,當缺席論。
  4. 學員不應無故缺席,以免影響學習進度。本處不會為缺席課堂者提供補課或退款安排。
  5. 因突發事件而引致的課堂變動,學員須依從本處安排。
  6. 上課場地內不准飲食或吸煙。
  7. 上課時必須關掉手提電話、無線電話及其他響鬧及發光的裝置。
  8. 學員必須愛護課室內各項設施,重視課堂秩序,遵守本處各項規定及香港法律,否則本處有權終止學員上課,而學費亦恕 不退還,如損壊公物,須負上賠償責任。
  9. 就學員参與本處舉辦的活動,本處有權為學員進行錄像及攝影,以用於存檔、參考及宣傳與本處有關的活動。
  1. The course is only for the students and cannot be replaced by others
  2. Students are not allowed to change classes without authorization, otherwise the department reserves the right to terminate their class rights and the tuition fee will not be refunded.
  3. Students are required to attend class on time. Those who are late or leave early for more than a quarter of the class hours will be considered absent.
  4. Students should not be absent without reason. There will be no make-up or refund arrangements for absentee classes.
  5. For class changes caused by emergencies, students must follow the arrangements of this office.
  6. No eating, drinking or smoking is allowed in the class venue.
  7. Cell phones and other alarming and light-emitting devices must be turned off during class.
  8. Students must take good care of all the facilities in the classroom, pay attention to classroom order, and abide by the regulations of the Office and the laws of Hong Kong. Otherwise, the Office has the right to terminate the student's class and the tuition fee will not be refunded.
  9. Regarding trainees participating in the activities organized by the Department, the Department has the right to record and photograph the students for archiving, reference and publicity of the events related to the Department.
  1. 如導師因病或特別事故請假,本處將會安排代課導師。在未能安排代課的情況下,課程將暫停一次,並稍後安排補課。
  2. 本處在特殊的情況下或有需要安排補課,如學員未能於指定補課日期上課,本處將不會為個別學員再安排補課或辦理任何退款手續。
  3. 於活動開始前 3 小時內的任何時段,如遇以下惡劣天氣情況,當日的活動將予取消,並不獲補課: i. 香港天文台發出紅色/黑色暴雨信號;或 ii. 香港天文台懸掛 8 號預警、8 號或以上熱帶   氣旋警告。 [惟如上述警號於活動開始前 3 個小時已除下,活動將照常進行(例如於上午 11 時除下,當日下午 2 時前的活動仍須取消,但於下午 2 時以後的活動則如常舉行)。
  4. 如教育局因特別事故宣佈學校停課(如流感或新冠肺炎),請留意本處網上公告,或致電本處查詢活動安排。

  1. If the tutor asks for leave due to illness or special accident, the office will arrange a substitute tutor. In the event that a substitute class cannot be arranged, the class will be suspended once and a make-up class will be arranged at a later time.
  2. Under special circumstances or it is necessary to arrange make-up lessons, if the student fails to attend the class on the designated make-up date, the Office will not arrange make-up lessons for individual students or go through any refund procedures.
  3. At any time within 3 hours before the start of the activity, in the event of the following severe weather conditions, the activity on that day will be cancelled without making up classes: i. The Hong Kong Observatory issues a red/black rainstorm signal; or ii. The Hong Kong Observatory hoists 8 Warning No. 8, Tropical Cyclone Warning No. 8 or above. [However, if the above-mentioned siren is removed 3 hours before the start of the activity, the activity will continue as usual (for example, if the siren is removed at 11:00 am, the activity before 2:00 pm on the same day must still be cancelled, but the activity after 2:00 pm will continue as usual held).
  4. If the Education Bureau announces that schools are closed due to special events (such as influenza or COVID-19), please pay attention to the online announcement of this office, or call this office to inquire about the arrangement of activities.
*When the tropical cyclone warning is hoisted or the weather is bad, parents should decide whether to send their children to school according to the situation. In addition, all classes cancelled due to inclement weather will not receive make-up classes, and teachers will adjust class schedules based on the situation.